We have been to Le Singe à Paris (The Monkey in Paris) before. We went last December for our second-anniversary dinner. This time, we went for lunch with some new friends. Relatively new.
We met Howard and Deb at the DBA Rally in Auxerre. (Chapter 209) We discovered we were both going to be spending the winter moored in Paris. I think we both felt relieved to learn that there would be another English-speaking couple with whom we could share experiences.
While Aleau is tied up at the end of Arsenal next to the lock that enters the Seine, Moondance is rafted against another barge at the other end – just before the entrance to the tunnel. We can get in our 10-thousand steps walking back and forth visiting each other.

It was their choice to go to La Singe à Paris. A wise choice. And they didn’t learn about it from seeing the pictures on our website. Until now, I had forgotten to post photos of our Second-Anniversary Dinner. Which, I suppose, is better than forgetting the actual anniversary. I have just added that chapter – “Chapter 237 – Our Second Anniversary Dinner.” Which means each of the chapters that follow have had their chapter number increase by one. 238 became 239, etc. That’ll teach me to forget such an important occasion.
But back to Le Singe à Paris. This time in daylight.

As usual, we chose the Menu – and not La Carte.

While we could have had and Entrée, Plat, and Dessert for €24.50 – being obsessive about our figures, we chose to skip the Entrée. (French law prohibits skipping Dessert.)
Below, the Polpette de Boeuf. There are actually a few of them. The rest are hidden under the veggies.

The Eglefin Also called Haddock in some parts of the world

Poire Poché There is a piece of poached pear – resting on some pureed pear – and some other sugary treats.

Yes, there were four of us. But only photos for two of us? It seems Howard and Deb liked are choices and followed suit – or it may have been the other way around. Either way, we were all pleased with what we had.