While walking in our neighbourhood, we passed by Le Temps de Cerises.

While the exterior looked quite nice, it was what was hanging in the window that caught our eye. Le Temps de Cerises was serving dinner on Christmas Day.

We didn’t think anything would be open that day, so we quickly made a reservation. Since they had a special Menu for New Year’s Eve, we booked a table for that, too.

We had never eaten there – but it looked promising. We were not disappointed. It even had a zinc bar. Truly Parisien.

Dinner began with Champagne.

In keeping with the décor, Le Temps de Cerises posted their Menu on the wall. Same choices as on the paper Menu that we saw hanging on the door – but far prettier.

Noix de Saint Jacques…Maigret Fumé (Scallops with smoked duck breast)

Soupe à l’Oignon (Onion soup)

Poêlée de Palourdes. (Clams) And on a separate plate, a portion of Hasselback potato and a candy-cane beet.

Suprême de Chapon (Capon)

Pete and Tess stayed with us onboard Aleau for New Year’s. They spent last winter moored in front of us in Arsenal on La Belle Hèlène. (Shown here as they left Arsenal to begin their 2023 cruising season. Their bow thruster seems to be working well.)

La Belle Hèlène is spending this winter in Roanne, so Pete and Tess drove to Paris to help us welcome in the New Year. By eating at Le Temps de Cerises.
Ravolie de Homard (Lobster ravioli)

Suprême de Pigeon (More politely called squab in English)

Sole Meunière

L’Assiette de Fromage (Cheese plate)

Duo de Choux Craquelin

A perfect ending to 2023.