A double-lock. The green light is telling us to go left into the smaller lock. At 125-metres long, even after Aleau is in, there’ll still be more than 100-metres available for anyone else. We feel tiny. Yet when we get to Cergy, we’ll be too big for the marina.

Fortunately for us, the pontoon on the Oise is available. We moor against it – except this time, we’re facing downstream.

Once again, there are restaurants (Yes, plural) just metres away from Aleau. (It’s too early in the day for the table to be set for dinner. But not too early for me to grab a shot.)

We check out the other nearby restaurants.

But decide on crêpes. It’s chilly so we decide to eat inside.

Turns out to be a wise choice. Not just because of the temperature – but because we could watch our crêpes being made. On TV.

They looked much better in real life. The plat and then the dessert.

On our way back to Aleau, we walked past all the other places we could have tried. No regrets. We’ll be back.