We got off to an early start. Filling our tanks and heading downstream – trying to make up for lost time.
We sped by the marina at Isle-l’Adam. We couldn’t risk being trapped again. We noticed the double-red lights. Oh, no. Was the lock broken again? We didn’t bother to ask.

After an overnight stop in Creil, we moored in Pontoise. Again.

It hadn’t lost any of its charm – blending old and new.

We found a different spot for dinner. That’s Jeannie at the table on the far right.

I don’t have a copy of the Menu. You’ll have to make up your own names for what we had.

We had a delightful walk home. (No matter where we are moored, Aleau is always ‘home.’) Under a full moon, not even a parking lot could ruin the view.