We were trapped in Isle-l’Adam for a week. There are worse places to be stranded. But I think everyone in the marina wanted out.

Finally – a green light. We could go. Pouring rain or not.

Once inside the lock, one final test of our patience. Was it really fixed? There was one more red light. We could only cross our fingers and wait.

It turned green. We were back on the water. How fortunate we were.

That feeling was reinforced as we passed those who had been less fortunate.

We still had many locks to pass through. But they were all double locks. If one were out of order, the one on the other side would be working. No more double red-lights. No more being held hostage.

We were able to spend the night just outside one of them. 43 kilometres from Isle-l’Adam. Another long – and this time, wet – day.

This is what we like to see – red and green. It means the lock is being prepared for us (either emptied or filled depending on which way we’re going). In a few minutes, it will turn green.

Another few hours and we’ll be in Compiegne.