Eventually, the fog lifted. We could actually see Chrisya, the barge that had been guiding us through the fog. So long, I couldn’t get it all in one photo. We’re in a double lock. A good thing. We would not have been able to fit in with Chrisya.

At the Isle-l’Adam lock, we and Chrisya caught up with another commercial. Ocean Tundra had (wisely) been moving very slowly through the fog. At the far right of the photo below, you can see Chrisya is already on its way out of the lock. But we wouldn’t need her to guide us any more. The fog was lifting – and we were not going very far. Only a few metres from the lock is another one – the private lock that is the entrance to the marina at Isle-l’Adam. At the bow of Aleau, Jeannie stands as she had been for our entire voyage through the fog. Dressed warmly, with eyes peeled ahead, and our wireless intercom strapped to her head.

Below, the tiny lock (in comparison to what we had just passed through) that is the entrance to the Port de Plaisance Isle-l’Adam. Little did we know, this lock was about to play a significant role in our future plans.

The green light means the gate is open and we can go in. It’ll be awhile before we see that green light again.