It was late when we got to Villeneuve-sur-Yonne. And moored in our usual spot – just a few metres from one of our favourite restaurants. (Our list of favourite restaurants is beginning to get very long.)

By the time we got to Auberge La Lucarne aux Chouettes, the sun was beginning to set. It lit up the Menu – and both Jeannie and me. Or was it the Champagne we ordered before even looking at the Menu that gave us a glow?

From the Menu, we chose “Oeufs Cocotte au Gorgonzola” as our Entrée. I know – Gorgonzola is a cheese. It was very daring of me. But then, there was no other Entrée on the Menu. I could have looked at the “Carte” and gone “à la carte” – but we try to never do that. The Menu is almost always the better choice. (I survived the cheese. Maybe my tastes are improving?)

For our plats, we each had “Dos de lieu avec sauce au citron.” (The back of a pollock. Sounds much better in French.)

For dessert, once again, there was no choice. Jeannie and I decided we could manage the “Tartelette aux framboises.” It was a struggle.