Coming upstream in mid-May, the port in Meaux was closed. The pontoons were in such bad shape it looked like they would never be used again. Exactly one month later, all had changed. We were able to squeeze in at the last remaining spot at the very end.

Which gave us a chance to explore Meaux. There is a magnificent church. (Of course. We’re in France.) And a market. (Of course. We’re in France.) Which had rotisserie chickens. (I guess I don’t have to repeat myself.)

And wonderful places to eat. (Of course…)

Because there were so many boats in the port – and almost all of us on our way to the DBA Rally in Auxerre – we decided to go to dinner together. Some of us knew each other before – and some of us became acquainted as we bumped into each other (Not literally) as we traveled along the Marne.

Too many people to grab shots of all the courses – but I did get one of the desserts Jeannie and I had.

A delicious way to end this chapter.