Officially, it won’t arrive for another two weeks. Unofficially, it’s already here. Early morning temperatures have been around zero – or below. This morning, we awoke to see a dusting of snow coating the cobblestones of the port. Yesterday, the Capitainerie (the port office), sent us an e-mail saying they were shutting off the water to prevent the pipes from freezing. They gave us time to fill our tank. We did. Filled to the brim with 3,000 litres, we have enough water to last two to three weeks. Here’s hoping it warms up by then and the water is turned back on.
Aleau is already decked out (Pardon the pun.) with her holiday lights.

L’Hôtel de Ville and the BHV department store are also looking very Christmas-y.

We are looking forward to exploring Paris as more and more decorations are put up by stores, restaurants, and the city. We will share what we find.