Most of the tunnel follows Boulevard Richard-Lenoir – or is it the other way around? Starting at Place de la Bastille and continuing for many blocks, outdoor markets are held on top of the Canal St. Martin. Just about anything you would want for that night’s dinner is available.

From roasted chestnuts…

…to a Jeroboam of Champagne. Bring your wallet!

We’ve already been to the market many times during the day…

…and in the evening.

No matter the hour, Champagne is always available.

It was chilly this evening, so a glass of Vin Chaud seemed more desirable.

The warm wine brought a smile to Jeannie’s face.

Of course, this is a Parisien outdoor market – so raw oysters and white wine were also a popular choice.

As was cheese.

We walked the entire length of the market – and through the parks whose skylights dotted the ceiling of the tunnel – until we came to where the Canal St. Martin emerged into the twilight.

And then made a U-turn and had a lovely walk back to Aleau.