We were off to have dinner in Briare at L’Hydropathe.

And no, even after eating, I’m not sure I know what Bistronomique means. Maybe the menu will help you decide.

As soon as I saw “Crémant,” I knew what I was having to drink. Jeannie chose Caipirinha.
Before even deciding what we were going to have to eat, we snacked on an “amuse bouche” – a carrot and ginger mousse spread on bread.

Jeannie went for the vegetarian menu and chose the “Quiche Feuilletée de Fromage de Chèvre, Tomates Confites” as her entrée.

I had the”Mille-Feuille Mousse de Saumon et Concombre, Zestes de Pamplemousse.”

Before ordering our “plats,” we checked to make sure we’d be able to abide by all of L’Hydropathe’s rules.

No problem with any of them.
As Jeannie was ordering from the vegetarian menu, she had “Raviolis Champignons et Cèpes, Ricotta, Beurre et Parmesan.” I must confess when I saw it, I had no idea what it was. But Jeannie tells me it was delicious.

I chose “Joue de Boeuf à la Provençale, Polenta Crémeuse.” Beef cheeks that literally melted in my mouth. I’ve never had meat so tender.

Jeannie passed on dessert – something I think is almost unforgivable. I had “Mousse en Bavarois Vanilla, Madeleine, Compotée de Pommes Façon Tatin.”

Not at all what I was expecting after reading “Façon Tatin.” But tasty nonetheless.
Tomorrow, we start the Canal de Briare – and worry that there will not be enough water to see us to the end.