Paray-le-Monial is one of those towns that has you immediately saying, “Wow, how pretty.” The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus dominates the town.

It is visible from just about every street.

Since almost all roads lead to the basilica, that is where we went. It seems everybody else was going there, too. Although they were all better dressed than us. I didn’t have a set of tails I could wear. Jeannie didn’t have a fascinator hat. Neither of us had a sword we could hang from a belt.

We had stumbled on a wedding. A very high-class wedding. It appeared that everybody who’s who in France was there. And in style.

We watched as what appeared to be hundreds of people off the covers of Vogue and GQ filed into the church. And then, the bride arrived.

I confess – as fascinating as all this was, what really caught my eye was the car the bride arrived in – a Citroën Traction Avant. The bride may have been pretty – but the car was gorgeous.

We did enjoy our time in Paray-le-Mondial. It is a very pretty town…

…with no shortage of restaurants.

Even one that promised fine Montreal cuisine.

Too bad it was closed when we were there.