We left Auxonne on June 7, 2022 and headed south on the Saône to Chalon-sur-Saône. If you have read earlier chapters, you will know what a lovely city it is and how much we enjoy visiting. We moored at the recently constructed pontoon close to the heart of Chalon-sur-Saône and just a few minutes walk from “Restaurant Row.”
Imagine my surprise – and delight – to see another barge bearing a Canadian flag coming in to moor behind us. We have met very few fellow Canadians on the waterways of France – Ethereal, about to join us in Chalon-sur-Saône – and Bumble Bee, now moored in Strasbourg. Both are from BC. Well, the owners are from BC. Neither vessel has been within a thousand kilometres of Canadian water. Not only is Ethereal displaying a Canadian flag at the stern, at the helm is another Jonathan. Small world.