After that delicious lunch at our balcony table in Pesmes, we continued to Gray. We were shocked at what we found.
While we have been there before, I didn’t take any pictures. So, the ‘Before’ photos are from Google Maps. The ‘Now’ photos are mine. I begin with the lock in Gray. The arrow on the jetty points to the lock entrance. The jetty itself marks one side of the channel.

As you can see below, it’s a good thing the VNF has banned all traffic on the Saône – the jetty is now submerged and out of sight. It could cause serious damage to any boat that hit it.

‘Before’ from Google Maps shows an area on the other side of the Saône that has been a popular spot to sit and fish – and for barges to tie up and spend a few days in Gray.

No chance of doing that now.

When last in Gray, we found a lovely place to moor. Alongside a campground were a number of concrete docks. We could safely and securely tie up to them. I’ve pasted a satellite view from Google Maps to help you get an idea of what the spot is like when water levels are normal.

We were moored on the left side of the dock at the bottom left of the image above. Below, with the red handrail (but not visible in the photo above) are the stairs we used to climb down to the dock. As you can see, that massive concrete dock is now dangerously out of sight. Below that photo is one of a white boat trying to stay safe. It is tied to a pole at the left edge of that white strip in the photo above. I’m not sure it is safe. When the water level drops – and if the boat is still there – it could end up on top of the concrete that is now just below it. The green and white boat must have tied up when the bollards were still visible. I don’t see how its crew could find them now. They, too, will have to keep a very close eye on the water to make sure they aren’t swept onto the concrete. Even though we can’t go out onto the water until the VNF says so, we are quite happy to be safely moored in the Port de Plaisance in Auxonne.

Good luck to them all. It is a difficult position to be in.