We’ve had guests. Not onboard – but close. It’s the first time this year that the cygnets have shown up in the Port de Plaisance. And they came straight to Aleau. Mum must have told them we had Corn Flakes. Actually, we call them Swan Flakes and always have some in the wheelhouse. Corn Flakes for the swan guests – and Crémant de Bourgogne for the human kind. Both always at the ready. I know you’re not supposed to give bread to ducks and swans. I looked up what you’re supposed to give – and have given it to them. They won’t touch it. They look up and say, “What is this shit?” So, back to Swan Flakes.
Now that outdoor dining is allowed here, I wanted to share with you our outdoor diners. I’m impressed – they actually waited until the restrictions were over before visiting.