While Canada is divided into 10 provinces, France is divided into 96 departments. (See map at bottom of the page.) We live in Côte d’Or, #21. We border on Jura, #39 (where some of the photos you have seen have been taken). Both departments (and others in the area) are experiencing high levels of Covid infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. To try to reduce the spread of the virus, departments in this area have had curfew restrictions tightened. Instead of the previous 8pm curfew, no one in this area is now allowed out after 6pm.
This is not a hardship for us as we are always onboard Aleau well before 6pm. And it still allows us to explore the nearby countryside. Hermetically sealed inside Peugey – and only stepping outside to grab a photo while staying far away from anyone else – we feel safe. It’s also a chance to grab some much-need fresh air and get a bit of exercise as we walk along deserted streets.
Today’s drive was to Montmirey-la-Ville – 12 kilometres from Auxonne. Population 179.
As always, it was the homes in each town that intrigued us. In Montmirey-la-Ville, there were average sized homes.

Slightly larger homes.

And one very large home.

We drove through Montmirey-la-Ville at a snail’s pace. And spotted this business that sells nothing but escargot.

You never know what you’ll find as you explore these tiny towns. But there will always be a bit of history. Outside one house, an early laundromat – called a lavoir. Dating back hundreds of years, water is still flowing through it. I assume the nearby house is equipped with a modern-day washing machine.

There were separate sections for washing and for rinsing.

Two more shots of homes in Montmirey-la-Ville – and then the map of French departments. We’re the light-green “21 – Cote d’Or.”