We weren’t here for winter 2019-2020 so have no idea what it was like. But we can report the first snow of winter 2020-2021 fell on Aleau on January 3, 2021. Most of it had melted by mid-morning when we thought to grab this shot.

It wasn’t much but it was the first white stuff we have seen since our arrival. The temperature has been dropping to a few degrees below zero each night for the past few weeks – and a few degrees above zero during the day. But it is so humid living on the river that it always feels bitterly cold. It has dropped to minus-25 here in Auxonne – but that was a few years ago and we’re hoping that doesn’t happen again. The marina water does occasionally turn to ice – but again, we’re hoping that doesn’t happen this year.
A few flakes cling tenaciously to nearby rooftops.