With the leaks fixed, I had to climb into the water tank, vacuum away all the tiny pieces of metal that fell when I was tapping new threads on the lip, wire-brush away rust, paint (Rust Converter, then primer, then rust-proof paint), then scrub clean the entire interior of the tank.

It was the most arduous task so far – and I am still suffering from it. The tank floor and walls are the hull of Aleau. They are steep with no foot-holds. Trying to reach the outer edges is almost impossible. Finding somewhere to place my feet so I wouldn’t slide back down was impossible. Because it sloped, headroom decreased at the edges. I have many bruises on my head to show for it.
I was surprised at the amount of rust I had to sand away.

Eventually, it was done. The white spot on the photo below is the hatch that I had to climb in and out of.