With everything having been moved to the aft-deck and the wheelhouse, the garage had never looked so clean.

But that meant it was time for the really hard work to begin. Much to the annoyance of many of our neighbours, the cabinets and garage flooring had to be piled on the pontoon. A big No-No. This collection stretched the full length of Aleau – and remained there for weeks. How to make friends.

Even before all the flooring had been removed, the amount of rust we were finding was frightening. What a lot of work lay ahead. And we still had no idea where all that water was coming from.

Bit by bit, square by square, it all had to be sanded until everything was black – not orange.

And then it was treated with a chemical called Rust Converter – brushed over and into every nook and cranny. After that was dry, primer was painted on, and then a coat of a rust-proof (We hope.) paint.
Meanwhile, it took a few days to drill inspection holes in every one of the flooring panels. We’d now be able to check for water accumulating under the floor. (We hope.)