It has been non-stop work. It has taken weeks – and it’s not quite over – to find and fix three water leaks in the garage in the bow. That involved removing everything that was stored there. Everything that can survive rain is piled on the aft-deck.

Everything that needs to be protected from the rain is piled in the wheelhouse. There’s barely room to move. There’s a path from downstairs to one of the wheelhouse doors. But only to one. To get to one door, stuff must be piled in front of the other one. There will be no reading and relaxing in the wheelhouse. There will be no romantic dinners as we watch the sun set over Auxonne – not for a long time to come.

This is what we see each evening – our impetus to get that wheelhouse back to normal as quickly as we can.

That’s another Piper, Sinfonia, spending the winter moored just across the pontoon from us.