We were back in St. Jean-de-Losne. But this time, not high in the air on the slipway, nor moored opposite dumpsters in front of Atelier Fluvial. We were tied up at the Quai National. We were so happy to be there that we hung signal flags along the full length of Aleau.

As mentioned earlier, we have our choice of four spots at which to dine on Aleau – two in the living room, plus the wheelhouse, plus the aft-deck. Of course, we could also go to a restaurant. In St. Jean-de-Losne (and many other spots), that would mean walking no more than 20-metres. Along this stretch of the Quai National, there are at least five restaurants just footsteps away. There’s another one on the other side of the bridge – where the flags are flying. Jeannie and I have found barging in France to be an arduous (although possibly fattening) experience.

When I say “footsteps,” I am not exaggerating. Last summer we rented a barge and cruised along the Canal du Midi. We met up with a fellow DBA member at a restaurant called “Auberge de la La Croisade.” We were tied up against the bank on this side of the canal. All we had to do was cross the towpath and sit down. You can’t see either of our barges as I didn’t take this photo. I “borrowed” it from the internet. But it is La Croisade. (You can see what I ate a little further down the page.)

This is David’s barge, L’Escapade, as he is about to tie up in front of La Croisade and join us for lunch.

A tiny sample of the many courses we had at La Croisade. (This is lunch. Can you imagine what dinner would be like?)