Auxonne is a wonderful home. The town is small but delightful. The marina has everything we need. At each mooring spot there is a “borne” to which we can plug in and get shore power. It is metered so we pay for whatever electricity we use. There’s also a water tap at each mooring spot. Aleau’s potable water tank holds 3,000 litres. We fill up from the tap and then refill when necessary. The mooring costs us €2,500 (almost $4,000 Cdn.) a year. Electricity, about €2,000 (a little more than $3,000) a year. At least the water is free.
A shot from Aleau’s aft deck showing part of Port Royal. Phantom and behind her, Victoria are both, like Aleau, Piper barges. The vertical posts are the bornes which supply us with electricity and water.