We moored in the centre of a park right in the heart of Dijon. As you can see, we are proudly flying the Canadian flag at the stern. By law, every vessel 20-metres long or longer must fly the flag of the country in which the vessel is registered. As Aleau is 19.9-metres long, I think we are exempt from that regulation – and many others. (Or maybe not.) We do have a Dutch flag onboard – just in case an official questions a Canadian flag on a barge registered in The Netherlands. (More about why we’re registered there a little later on.)

Just a few metres away from where we were moored was an outdoor market. These happen once a week (and in larger centres, more often – sometimes daily). Rotisserie chickens – with drippings soaked up by roasted potatoes – are always available.

As is just about everything else you might want for that night’s dinner.