Directly across the street from the pâtisserie is a restaurant where we sometimes went for lunch. And only lunch. That is the only time it is open.
The restaurant is mainly for workers in St. Usage/St. Jean-de-Losne – but everyone is welcome (if not outnumbered by men in overalls).

The menu on the wall offers a choice – albeit a small one. There are two entrées and two main courses (called ‘plats’) to choose from. But you get more than that. Not shown on the board displaying the €13 menu are the 1/2 litre of wine (per person), the cheese course, the dessert, and coffee. Keep in mind that in France the posted price includes tax and tip. Not bad.

We both started with salad. Then, I had the beef cheeks while Jeannie chose the endive wrapped in ham. Keep in mind, this is a restaurant for labourers, truck drivers, etc. It is not aimed at tourists. Four courses plus bread, wine, and coffee. €13. We are convinced it is impossible to get a bad meal in France.